How to Use the Gas Index of Customers App


The Gas Index of Customers App captures information from Federal Energy Regulatory (FERC) Form 549B and FERC Forms 2 and 2/3Q quarterly and annual financial filings to give a comprehensive view of customers, contracts, projected volumes, and actual volumes for natural gas pipelines and storage operations.

  • Industry: Natural Gas
  • Sub-Industry: Natural Gas Transmission/Transport, Natural Gas Storage
  • Data Timeline: Quarterly
  • Data Sources:
    • FERC Form 549B - Index of Customers
    • FERC Form 2 and 2/3Q - Annual and Quarterly Financials
      • Page 299: Monthly Quantity and Revenue Data
  • Geography: US States


Use-Case Overview

The Gas Index of Customers App focuses on combining volume and revenue data for contracts signed between FERC-regulated gas storage/pipeline companies and shippers. The dashboard shows the projected quarterly maximum volumes associated with those contracts, and how much companies are earning based on the rate schedule of the contracts.

Key insights can be gathered about which contracts are set to expire between respondent companies and shippers, whether contracted volumes are being fully utilized in actuality, and how volumes and revenues are changing from quarter to quarter.

Key Features

Company Summary

The Company Overview feature provides an at-a-glance view of contracts with storage and transport volume for each entity selected. The main Company Overview screen is pictured here. Additional features of the Company Overview are described below. 

Figure 1: Company Overview

KB Gas index of Customers image 1


Contracts to Watch

The first table you see is a running list of contracts that are set to expire within the next 90 days. 

This is an active table where the days-to-expiration field is updated daily and new contracts are included every quarter. Expired contracts are discarded to keep the list clean and relevant. 

Below this, you will see a summary table and a volume conversion feature. You can easily adjust the contents of the summary table by applying the filters at the top of the screen, giving you a quick view of the total scope of data you are looking at.

Volume Conversion

The Volume Conversion feature is present throughout the entire dashboard and allows you to convert between volumes reported in the 549B. 

The three most common measurements are: Dekatherms (Dth), Millions of British Thermal Units (MMBtu), and Millions of Cubic Feet (MCF). We have enabled automatic conversion so that you can view any volume number reported in any of the three available units of measure. 

Dekatherms and MMBtu are 1-to-1 within this while MCF multiplies Dth and MMBtu by 1.037 according to conversion standards set by the Energy Information Administration.

Data Visualizations

There are two visualizations in the Company Overview page measuring the sum of contracted volume each quarter. The visualizations default to showing all companies in the view but changing the shipping company or reporting company will adjust the visualizations to display data only for the companies you choose.

Figure 2: Company Overview: Tables and Visualizations

KB Gas index of Customers image 2


Respondent to Shipper Volume Tables

As shown here, the two tables are similarly split between transport/transmission volumes and storage volumes when looking at each reporting company’s data for the latest quarter. 

Clicking the "+" icon next to the company name will drill down to show all shippers the company contracted with and the sum of volume between those companies across all contracts. For example, if ANR Pipeline had three contracts with Allerton Gas, the sum of those three contracts would be in the "Total Contracted Volume" column in the drill down.

Navigating to Transmission and Storage Tables

Specific Contract Information, Projected and Actual Volumes, and Zones/Points are located in two other sections within the app. You can navigate to these sections via the icons at the top of the screen: 
KB navigation icons

The left-most icon is the company overview; the middle is transmission/transportation tables, and the right-most icon are storage tables.

Transmission and Storage Tables

Figure 3: Company Overview: Transmission and Storage Tables

KB Gas index of Customers image 3



Both the transmission and storage tables are designed the same and contain the exact same features. We will use the transmission table as the documented example but all features showcased here also apply in the storage data visualization.

Transmission/Transport Contracts

This table lists all contracts reported by FERC-regulated companies based on the calendar year and/or quarter you select. 

The filters will default to show the most recent reporting period. The table includes the reporter, shipper, contract number, the date the contract started, the expiration date, and the current countdown to expiration. You can sort by any of these columns to narrow the results. 

Note that certain contracts are highlighted within the table. Records with a yellow highlight are contracts that will expire within 90 days while red records are contracts that expired already within the past 90 days.

Clicking on any contract will add that contract data to the visualization.

Figure 4: Transmission/Transport Volumes by Rate Schedule

KB image gas index of customers 4

Transmission/Transport Rates

This table focuses on the rate schedules associated with particular contracts. 

The table defaults to the sum of volumes between all contracts depending on the reporting periods and/or companies you select from the filters. For example: filtering to 2022 Q4 and ANR Pipeline will show the total volumes for each rate schedule. Clicking on a single contract from the contracts table will show you the specific rate schedule and volumes for that contract as reported verbatim in the 549B.

There are four columns of information for each rate schedule:

  1. "Daily" is the as-reported maximum daily volume contracted. Selecting multiple contracts or an entire company will sum the maximum contracted volumes.
  2. "Projected Quarterly" is the potential maximum volume multiplied by 90 to simulate how much can be transported in that quarter at that particular rate.
  3. "Actual Quarterly" is the as-reported number from the FERC Form 2 and 2/3Q from page 299. This represents the real-world volume that was transported in that reporting period on that rate schedule. 

    NOTE: Due to the nature of the FERC Form 2 data, the "Actual Quarterly" is representative on the company-level rather than the contract level. If you select a particular contract, the total actual volume will still be representative of the entire company.

  4. "Load Factor" is the percent difference between the "Projected Quarterly" and the "Actual Quarterly" numbers.

    An important note on this Dashboard: There will always be a two-quarter delay between the 549B and the Form 2 and 2/3-Q. The 549B is a "forward" looking report talking about the upcoming quarter, while the Form 2 and 2/3-Q are "retroactive." They look back at the previous quarter. The system will default to the latest quarter filed in the 549B, but seeing Form 2 data will require selecting two quarters ago.

Actual Volume and Revenue Visualizations

Below the rates table are two visualizations that show historical data on actual volumes and revenue by rate schedule as reported in the Form 2 and 2/3Q. 

Hovering your cursor over the rate schedule in the Transmission/Transport Rate table will highlight that rate schedule in the two visualizations. You may also use the rate schedule filter above the tables to narrow all the tables along with the visualizations. This, again, favors looking at rate schedules on a per-respondent company basis.

Figure 5: Actual Volume and Revenue Visualizations

KB image gas index of customers 5


Figure 6: Transmission/Transport Volume by Points

KB Gas index of Customers image 6
Transmission/Transport Points

Each contract typically has several points where gas is delivered, received, stored, or withdrawn. This table showcases the points, organized by zone, used by particular companies and/or contracts. 

Clicking on a contract in the contracts table will show you the particular points under that contract along with their zone location, ID, point type, and volume for that point. For the most part, the total delivery points to receipt point volumes should be equal to each other. (For example: If Delivery Point 1 has 1000 dth and Delivery Point 2 has 2000 dth, then Receipt Point 3 should have 3000 dth.)

Exporting Visuals and Data

There are several ways in which the data can be exported. A visual export in PDF or PowerPoint format can be generated via the export button KB transmission line app image export at the top-right corner of the screen. 

Data can be exported via each card individually. To export data, move your cursor over the card/table and another export KB transmission line app image export button will appear at the top-right of the card/table. The data will export in a csv file in a long-table format. 

An additional feature is the expand details icon on each card. Hovering your cursor over a card/table will show the expand details icon KB transmission line app select icon. The expand details icon will give you a screen like that shown below.

Figure 7: Expand Detail Feature

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Once you click on the expand details icon, a screen will pop up giving you a few options to interact with that particular card. You can click on the export button KB transmission line app image export at the top right of the popup to export the visualization either in a visual format or data table (CSV or Excel). Clicking the table icon KB transmission line app chart icon at the top right of the popup will show you the data feeding into the visualization.

Hopefully, this article gave you all the information you needed to be successful with the Gas Index of Customers App. If you still need help, please reach out to us at